Need Help With Something?

Our website is currently unavailable, but we're always here for you, and our mall is open as usual!

Contact our dedicated Customer Service team with questions about store hours and other details.

Contact numbers are listed below:

City Centres UAE: +971 800 226 255 (WhatsApp)

City Centres Egypt: +20 215565 (WhatsApp)

Mall of Egypt: +20 215995 (WhatsApp)

City Centres Oman: +968 800 78786 (Phone)

City Centre Beirut: +961 1283666 (Phone)

City Centre Bahrain: +973 800 00131 (Phone)

My City Centres (Excluding My City Centre Sur): +971 800 226 255 (Phone)

My City Centre Sur: +968 800 78786 (Phone)

Matajers: +971 800 226 255 (Phone)